cat /var/log/vadept.log
Rolling with a Vorpal Sword and a loaded d20
Blog posts
- Change of GnuPG/PGP Key 2015-11-30
- The mighty QSL card 2015-05-05
- SnowStorm APRS Digipeater Project 2014-10-16
- Field Day 2014 2014-07-09
- Elecraft P3 vs LP-PAN2 2014-04-12
- CQ WPX RTTY Mission Control 2014-02-08
- Panadapter seems to work! Holy crap nuts out there.? 2013-11-23
- Never thought I'd see the toolman on a ham radio 2013-11-22
- This question might be ridiculously simple, but I have to ask 2013-11-22
- Crazyness 2013-11-21